When we are not able to Access the ECU through flashing software to make changes within, we use Piggy Back systems which fit between the Ecu and the Injectors or Ignition Coils.
With Power commanders we are still able to fine tune fueling and ignition timing.
Over the years we have used all types of Piggy Back systems and for various reasons, our weapon of choice is the DynoJet range.

Power commanders 3's or 5's can fitted and set up so that the Air Fuel Ratio of your bike can be reset to match and even improve on factory setting
Most Modern Superbikes after '05 have a second set of fuel injectors, the Secondary Fuel Module connects to the 'Upper Injectors', this device connects to the upper fuel injectors and allows you to edit fueling above 6000rpm and 60% throttle more accurately
An Ingition Module unlocks extra features of the power Commander 5 (Including Adjustable Ignition Timming, Launch Control and Pit lane Speed Limiter)

All of these features can be enabled and set up on the Dynojet Interface